Low back pain is common in adults, whether chronic, acute or episodic, (about 80 percent of adults in fact!)
When you have low back pain and you are wanting to exercise, not all is lost. You can carefully alleviate and help your low back pain with the proper exercises, stretching and rest. But first, always check with your doctor because not everyone’s case is the same. Always remember, if it hurts, don’t do it or stop the exercise immediately.
Causes of Low Back Pain
As we get older, wear and tear could be causing your low back to act up. Sometimes it’s due to muscle or ligament strain, repeated heavy lifting without proper form or a sudden awkward movement or something more serious such as a bulging or ruptured discs (your disks are important because they act as cushions between the bones in the spine), arthritis, osteoporosis and the list goes on. If it is something mild and your doctor gave you the green light to continue exercising, it’s good to get with your personal trainer to start exercising to strengthen your back and finally throw away that annoying back pain!
How to Alleviate Low Back Pain
The good news is, if your pain is mild and not a serious matter, you can start by getting with your personal trainer and doing some regular exercising, stretching and some tender lover and care to get feeling your best again:Â
Walk regularly -Â Walking is one of the most therapeutic things you can do for your back.
Do proper exercises- Some exercises are great at alleviating low back pain and helping it subside altogether. Ask your trainer about: Supine Bridges, Bird Dogs, Cat-Cow, Child’s Pose and more.
Move around- Sitting for long periods of time can cause low back pain. Get up and move every now and then or schedule a sweat session on your lunch break!
Hot and Cold Therapy - When you first notice any soreness expanding to your lower back, immediately start ice therapy to help reduce tissue damage, inflammation and pain. You can switch to heat to help to relax your muscles once the soreness subsides.. Depending on your low back pain symptoms, you may try cold or hot therapy for 20 minutes at a time, several times a day, until back pain lessens.
Strengthen Core Muscles - Your core muscles are so important to strengthen for many reasons, and one of those is to take pressure off of your back.
Be Mindful of Posture - Good posture is key to keeping low back pain in check, and whether you realize it or not, your poor posture while you drive, sit at your desk or stand and do daily tasks, overtime affects your back more than you realize. If your sitting posture is poor, the discs in your lower spine are loaded even more than when you’re standing. Roll the shoulders back down away from your ears, pull your belly button into your spine and sit up straight!Â
Your personal trainer can help create an exercise program to strengthen your back and core muscles so you can get to feeling you again. Keep in mind, if your back pain wakes you up in the middle of the night or you have it when you're in certain positions, such as lying down, then this could be a sign of a more serious problem. Red flags include pain that lasts more than 6 weeks; pain in persons younger than 18 years or older than 50 years; pain that radiates below the knee; a history of major trauma; constitutional symptoms; atypical pain (eg, that which occurs at night) and more. Talk to your doctor first before starting an exercise program to be sure you are in the clear. In the meantime, head to trainersspot.com/personaltraining and find a trainer to help keep you accountable and get you moving and feeling good again.Â