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Working Out with Kids

Amanda Hayward

It may seem near impossible most days, but with a little creativity and planning ahead, you can find time to workout when you have kids - with or without them! Remember, everyone and every family is different so what may work well for you, may not work well for someone else. 

Kids are energetic. They love to run, jump and play. So isn’t this the way exercise should be? Making exercise seem more like a fun activity is a smart strategy for getting kids up and moving, but take it easy as you get started with a new routine.

Starting slow and being consistent are key to preventing injury plus keeping your kids’ interest. 


Help your child participate in activities that interest her the most. Does she love the water? Try swimming lessons. Does she love the outdoors? Or if you are trying to stay active with them, try penciling in a family hike on your monthly calendar. But again, small steps are key if you and the  kids really want to stick with it. 

Ask your child what she would love to do, and give it a go!


Families that workout together, get stronger together. You are your child’s greatest advocate. Your child watches you and learns your every move. Modeling that exercise is fun is one way of steering her in the right direction.

Going on a stroller run when they are little or pulling in them in a wagon or plopping them in the baby carrier all shout out “exercise is fun!” to them from the get-go. You really are setting a great example by taking them with you, and maybe you have never thought about this before! Isn’t that great!? 

There are also dozens of trails in the tri-state area plus our beautiful local parks for active hiking. Helpful apps such as Maplets and Alltrails can help guide you along the way while monitoring your distance and elevation.

Exercise is important indoors, too, during our cold winter months. If your child loves video games, encourage ones that require movement. Technology can provide fun, physical activity.


The earlier exercise is introduced, the better. It will increase your child’s energy level, better her mood and start her on a pathway to good health.

Here are some other quick tips to stay more active with the kids, or find ways to sneak a workout in solo: 

  • Take advantage of napping with a jog stroller.

  • Adopt a workout buddy.

  • Combine playtime and exercise.

  • Dance together!

  • Go for walks together.

  • Turn to the library or YMCA. Local libraries and YMCA's offer family exercise class. Y's offer childcare while you workout, too!

  • Trade off workout times with your partner. This is a big one - you each need to do something for yourselves, and when you can't workout together, evenly trade off during the week while the other spends time with the kids.

Trainers Spot is a great place to get active with your kiddos! We offer small group training and one-on-one’s for families who want to work out and stay healthy together. Head to and contact a trainer you would love to work with. Our trainers offer a free consultation to show you around the gym, make you feel at home and get to know what you and your family’s goals are! 

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