Notice we said fat loss, not weight loss. You can read all about the difference here, in case you're wondering what the fuss is about. But fat loss really is best for long term results.
What is Fat Loss
Some weeks you might not lose any weight on the scale, but you lost fat. This is because you may be gaining muscle because you are exercising and eating a well-balanced diet. And that is a good thing. This is where the number on the scale is meant to be ignored and you should be paying more attention to how those new jeans fit! (To analyze your body fat percentage, BMI, weight , body composition and all of the progress you have been working so hard for, ask your trainer about our in-house, In- Body Body Composition analyzer to see for yourself!)
When you eat a healthy diet rich in protein and add in strength training workouts throughout the week, your muscles start to bulk up. As you gain more muscle mass, you may also lose body fat.
Tips for Losing Body Fat
In the meantime, read up on more ways you can lose that excess body fat and start ignoring those annoying numbers on the scale:
Pick up Heavier Weights - Using moderate to heavy weights — three or four sets of 10 to 15 reps with weights that challenge you — helps increase your muscle mass; the more muscle you have, the more your the food is utilized as fuel, rather than stored fat.
Don't Skip Meals - Our body's ultimate goal is to stay alive and it knows what foods are higher in energy density which is why we will crave those the most. Don’t allow your body to think it's being starved, it wont work for the long-term; aim to eat a healthy meal every four hours.
Hydrate - Research found that people who drank two glasses of water before a meal lost more weight than people who didn’t drink water before meals — and they kept it off. 'Nuff saId.
Eat Protein at Every Meal - It's a fact - eating more high quality protein with reduces the risk of excess body fat and obesity. Plus, other research has shown eating a high protein diet may help preserve muscle mass and metabolism during your weight loss journey. Adding more protein to your diet intake may also increase that full feeling, and reduce your calorie intake.
Get More Zzzs - Really try to go to bed a bit earlier - your health depends on it. A couple tricks to add in that extra hour of sleep include setting your alarm clock a little later (if your allows for it), put your phone away at least an hour before bed and limit caffeine intake in the evening. Ever notice you feel more hungry and crave comfort foods when you are sleep-deprived? That's because a lack of sleep can kick in that hunger hormone and trick your body into eating bad foods.
Opt for Unsweetened Beverages - Swapping out sugary drinks such as unsweetened tea and seltzer water is a no-brainer if you want to sustain your fat loss. Sugary drinks (soda, alcoholic drinks and flavored beverages) are packed with calories with no nutritional value. It's OK to find balance and enjoy a beverage here and there, but not overdoing it is key. Ask your waitress if they have a low-calorie margarita on the menu!
Fill up on Fiber - The best fiber you can sneak into your diet is soluble fiber. Find it in plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Why is it so great? It absorbs water and moves through your digestive tract slowly, meaning you will feel fuller, longer aka protecting you from weight gain and keeping your hungry self in check. you feel full for longer.
Convinced? Come check out Trainers Spots' In-Body machine to check your progress. Your trainer will help you with it! Go to to find your trainer, book a class, workshop and more.